The fastest speeds for your personal web sites in the United States of America, Canada and Latin America

For those who are managing multimedia sites focused mainly at users within the United States of America, Canada as well as Latin America, then look at our US datacenter, which provides fantastic virtual hosting conditions for your needs.

The US datacenter features an important location in downtown Chicago and serves a number of the main telecommunication providers in The United States of America. Together with complete redundancy in network connectivity and power, the datacenter offers a fantastic hosting environment for your resource–demanding web sites and web applications.

To take advantage of the US datacenter, only opt for it on the order form with the VPS Server that you want. Our administrators are going to set–up the server for you absolutely for free and they will configure an Operating System of your choosing. Moreover, they are going to perform every–week offsite backups of your respective VPS and will warrant a 99.9% network uptime.

Other US Hosting Services

We offer even more with our US datacenter besides Virtual Private Servers. We’ve US Based Cloud Website Hosting packages and US Based Semi-dedicated Servers featuring a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. We have US Based Dedicated Servers, which offer unrivaled hosting power and which can support any type of website. All US hosting services can be ordered along with our completely free Online Control Panel. It is meant to make day–to–day hosting actions direct & effortless. Plus, it comes stuffed with lots of cost–free and incredibly practical tools and bonuses which can help you enhance your web site.